Recently, we published a few conversation starters that we hope led to some fulfilling holiday dinners across your Thanksgiving tables. Christmas, Chanukkah and Kwanza arrive soon and 2nd Pair of Hands is back with tips that can help you make the most of the holidays. Winter stresses might try to pile on like inches of snow (or rain, here in Texas), but with the following information, you can keep your cool.
- Make To Do lists, as well as To-Don’t lists
You know yourself better than anyone else, so commit early to not only the tasks you would like to complete, but the demeanor you choose to have in that process. If you want to remain smiling this holiday, commit to not letting negativity detour your holiday.
2. Make time for Yourself
Giving is key to many of the holiday festivities we find ourselves being a part of. However, making time for your sanity, whether with self care or even just a well timed nap, is important.
3. Listen to yourself
Keep a familiar playlist around, dark chocolate in a nearby drawer, a calming scented candle, or a distraction around if you need to quickly refocus your day.
Whatever you choose to do this holiday, we wish you the best and are around to help automate the holidays and make your memories merry.