Holiday Conversation Starter Topics

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Maybe at each holiday you have a Norman Rockwell calendar worthy painting, or like many Americans, things aren’t always as picturesque. We are fortunate to live in a diverse and modern era where the holiday standards that are set don’t always end up being met. Recently, The Daily Meal provided a slideshow and list of 15 phrases/topics to avoid at the Holiday table. If interested, you can find that article here, but we also suggest reading further below for 5 topics that can definitely bring up this year that should be a lot more fruitful for conversation between courses.

  • State what you are thankful for. Very few people will fault you for having an attitude of gratitude this year. Sharing about what brings you joy, pride and keeps you grounded is generally always a winner.


  • Discuss your favorite side dish and ask about the recipe. Recipes can carry traditions and stories with them that elicit vivid memories. Find something you are enjoying and ask whoever prepared it for all their tips and tricks!


  • Talk about the most recent goal you have accomplished. What is something that you take pride in accomplishing? Share your recent promotion, grade, or achievement!


  • Cute Pet Videos. This is not permission to pull out your phone at the dinner table, but what is something that your cute pet does that makes you smile? What does your pet do that provides you a sense of companionship? Find ways to describe with such detail that a video or picture pales in comparison to your explanation.


  • The Texans have won 7 games in a row! Ok, maybe this isn’t the best topic for all of your Dallas Cowboy fan families, but this is something that is at least a conversation starter for those relatives who are really into sports that maybe you haven’t connected with in the past.


See something we missed? Comment below with your favorite holiday conversation starters.

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